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It's Willy Naessens' birthday and everyone can enjoy it!

Willy's birthday is on Valentine's Day and according to annual tradition ALL employees of the Willy Naessens Group receive a gift!

Willy's birthday is on Valentine's Day and according to annual tradition ALL employees of the Willy Naessens Group receive a gift!

This year everyone will receive a Bourgon package.
Willy would of course not be Willy if he would not advertise his own products among his employees. Bourgon is charcuterie, traditionally made and approved by Willy himself ... fresh from the knife and only available from the best butchers in Belgium!

All employees receive a gift ... and that can already count!
The Willy Naessens Group can already employ 1,900 employees.

"The employees are the largest capital of a company and I still have the honor to be able to work with the very best!"Says Willy Naessens.

Last year everyone received a nice jacket and a sports bag as a gift.

Happy birthday Willy !!